Mobile Marketing Roadmap: Mobile-First World in 2023

Mobile Apps have gained a wide range of recognition in recent years. If you are planning to stand out among your competition, you need a proper mobile marketing strategy. In this deep guide for mobile marketing roadmap, you will learn the key elements and strategies of mobile marketing. Also, a mobile-first world that helps you bring success to your business.

What is Mobile Marketing?

Mobile marketing is nothing but the process of advertising or marketing your products to your customers using smartphones or tablets. This is achieved by using mobile phone features like push notifications and location information to avail more apt and timely ads.

We all know how well people use mobile phones when it comes to shopping. Lately, the number of mobile phone users for shopping has shot up rapidly. According to recent studies, it is going to keep increasing due to the growing popularity of new shopping sites or quick deliveries.

Therefore, with the best practices, it is possible to achieve the results sooner than predicted. So How do you create a marketing roadmap?

Main Stages of Mobile App Marketing

Both digital marketing and mobile marketing funnel may look similar initially but the strategies both hold are different. Here we discuss the 3 main stages of mobile marketing.


In the awareness stage, you plan on your message and positioning of branding. Who, where, when, and how you are going to project your branding identity is discussed and clarified. This helps you to get to know your potential customers and target audiences. A few concepts that have to be included in awareness are listed below.

Thorough research on the market is suggested before planning any marketing strategies. The goal of your market research is to find out your potential customers. you can easily do research using a few tools such as Google Analytics, Clicky, and Google Trends.

Building user personas will help you gain the interest of your potential customers through which you can understand their choices. User persona should include content that appeals to them, visual patterns, tone of voice, fav influencers, and platforms they engage themselves the most.

Competitive analysis is the critical part of awareness. You must be aware of what your competitors are offering to the customers. The UX and UI of your competitors also matter to analyze their design strategies, CTA, and promotion.

A must landing page is very important in marketing. Make sure you build a full-fledged website for early marketing. A landing page or a video could be very helpful for early marketing strategies.

Always make use of the resources you have like social media. Keep updating and posting content on your social media regularly. Products advertised and marketed for mobile social media reach more people than any other means.

Content marketing can be one of the main strategies of marketing. Because people who go through the website or product details should be interested. The content on your site should be attentive for them to hold on to your site.

You can focus on various viewers in different posts such as social media posts, podcasts, YouTube, blog posts, and webinar content. Create a proper schedule for your posts and keep updating everything.

Acquisition Phase

This is the phase where you need to gain the focus of your customers. You will be working on different marketing strategies. This phase is a continuous process that requires regular working on and follow-up on your strategies.

Make sure you track downloads during the first week of launch. This helps you get a good ranking in App stores. Wondering how you can achieve this?

You can make use of Paid Ads, that help you run well-targeted paid ads on various social media websites.

You need to build your App Store Optimization (ASO strategy) based on discoverability and conversion. A good ASO depends on several factors such as keywords used, category of App stores, App title and icons used, and many more.

Make use of Video. A video on how to use an app can make a lot of difference. A video has to be short, quick, and relevant. With visual content, social media is the best place to introduce yourself to your audience.


Just acquiring your targets is not enough, you need to hold them back with you. Therefore, it creates a need to run retention campaigns that help you to engage your audience. Some effective ways to keep your viewers with you for a longer duration of course-

Communication is how you can retain your customers with you. All you need to do is make use of in-app messaging to maintain trustworthy relations with your users.

Push notification is another way to communicate with your users. Offering special rewards, early access to long customers, promotions, or other enticing offers helps in engagement.

User experience is the key to your success as it is what your customer views as the first impression. When users download your mobile app, the design, functionality, and features should be easy to use.

Regular A/B testing improves app/s features and hence meets customer requirements.

Always make it feel like personalization marketing. Make your users feel special by congratulating them on their special occasions, festivals, offering discounts, etc. Also, make sure to keep it simple. Do not overdo it when they sign up with you, this may make them feel tedious and you may fail to retain them.

Simple Yet Effective Mobile Marketing Strategies/Types

There are different ways where you can achieve success in mobile marketing. When you are trying to focus on Mobile marketing, there are a few components you need to focus on. Types of mobile marketing strategies include SMS marketing, social media marketing, location-based marketing, proximity marketing, and in-app marketing. Let’s see them in detail-

SMS Marketing

As the name itself suggests, SMS marketing is marketing using text message services of mobile phones. This comes under permission-based marketing. Where the brands and related products send promotions, coupons, deals, and alert messages about the brand to its registered customers. Usually, brands have a limit with words as well as a text message limit is 160 characters.

Social Media Marketing

Who doesn’t use social media on their mobile phones? Almost everyone does it across the world. Facebook has more than 2.9 billion users across the world. So do Instagram, YouTube, and WhatsApp.

With all these used by most people, social media is one of the main mobile marketing strategies.

Location-Based Marketing

Location-based marketing, as the name itself suggests, uses the GPS feature of phones to help brands and marketers show relevant content based on their locations.

It is also called geotargeting or geolocation marketing. This kind of marketing targets local users and is more engaging. Also, this helps get a better response. For example, you can show promotions for a restraint based on location or shops nearby.

Proximity Marketing

It is another form of location-based marketing where it uses Bluetooth and finds out potential customers and targets them with apt promotions. One of the best examples of this kind of marketing is beacon marketing. Also, Toyota used proximity marketing to entice more customers likely to buy at local car dealerships.

In-app Marketing

This is a mobile marketing strategy that uses most social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, WhatsApp, Telegram, and other platforms as well. This type of marketing includes display marketing that uses a banner that appears at the top of the mobile screen. Native advertising helps mimic the app environment, video ads, and Interstitial ads that appear in between app screens.

Once you are aware of all the strategies you need to focus on, let’s see how you create a roadmap for your mobile marketing.

How do you create a marketing roadmap?

Now that you are aware of marketing roadmaps, it’s time you learn how to utilize them for your brand marketing campaigns. Just follow these 5 simple steps to start creating your marketing roadmap:

What you need

Before you design anything or your site, you need to start with a plan accordingly. You need to have a different plan for a project, campaign, or annual strategy, and define what you’re the goal behind it. Finally, identify the tasks and steps it will cover to build marketing strategies, opined a digital marketer in Toronto - Webomindapps

Get all the necessary information

Once you decide what you need to strategize, the next step is gathering all the information related to your brand and products in the market.

Now, build a team and assign your marketing task so that you get to know what are the expectations and limitations of the strategies for your brand. Always plan to promote a more realistic and results-driven strategy.

Pick a template

Now you have all the information and plan ready, organize it using a roadmap template of your choice. You can make use of Venn Gage’s blank canvas or go straight to Venn Gage’s templates library to pick a template that fits your plan.

Customize your roadmap

You do need to be tech-savvy to create a compelling design for a marketing roadmap. With the help of Venngage’s easy drag-and-drop feature, you can easily customize a template. It is also easy to change each element with a single click to make a roadmap design.

Save and share your work

Once you’re done with your design, you can download a high-definition image or PDF file of your roadmap and share it with your co-workers or use Venngage’s share option.

What are the elements of a marketing roadmap?

Marketing roadmaps are a visual representation of your marketing plans.

1. Timeframe

Every roadmap you create should have specific dates that show when campaign activities are initiated and will be completed. Depending on the duration of your campaign, it can display days, weeks, months, or quarters.

2. Goals

It is important to define your objective(s) in your roadmap because marketing goals should be measurable and time-bound. That is why they are supported by a timeframe and success criteria.

3. Initiatives

A marketing initiative can be a theme, you can plan a themed packaging design throughout the whole month to celebrate any occasion. Initiatives display big efforts and address key focus areas required for the achievement of your goals.

4. Schedules

Always make sure your marketing roadmap should have a chronological order of communication. You need to keep tracking what important events are happening and when they will happen.

5. Activities

The marketing roadmap’s main purpose is to lay out all your marketing activities in a systematic order. From major activities such as product launches, promos, or press releases, to small-time activities like plotting out social media posts.

6. Status

Lastly, your marketing roadmap should convey the status of your goals, initiatives, and activities to indicate the progress you have made since your starting point.

Once you are aware of all the mobile marketing roadmaps for your business, let’s discuss Mobile’s first strategies.

What is Mobile’s first strategy?

The phrase mobile-first strategy refers to the idea of developing websites in which the design will be responsive. That is a design that can be viewed on both mobile and desktop.

Why Mobile's first strategies?

As mentioned in the above discussions, most people use mobile phones for their daily activities. Be it buying a grocery or any shopping app. As most people use smartphones, it becomes a priority for any brand to focus on a mobile-first strategy to compete with their nemesis. UX plays a key role here, as it creates a first impression on your customers.

Mobile’s first strategy focuses on mobile-friendly UI/UX that includes cutting-edge development used for personalized apps, websites, and messaging that is based on the previous history of the customer. The main goal is to provide a responsive website design that benefits today’s customer wants in brands.

How does responsive website design benefit you?
  • Responsive design assures that your website can be easily accessed by customers on both mobile and desktop platforms.
  • Helps you sort your information. It simplifies and compresses the information on your website.
  • The number of people worldwide using mobile apps is constantly increasing and becoming more popular. Therefore wide open to display your marketing skills.
  • Easy website navigation and responsive design make your website look more appealing and user-friendly.


It is always important to consider good practices when you are focusing on new digital transformation. Mobile marketing is one of the strategies among them. Simple design, proper CTA, in-app messaging features, push notifications everything aids you offer everything that your customer is looking for. You can also consider feedback as another element when planning the strategies.

We hope all the information provided above helps you understand what mobile marketing is, and the roadmap strategies for your business. Try to implement mobile-first marketing strategies on your website for more traction and traffic.

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